Mini itx mál
- Product Description Made in Dongguan: The most cost-effective handheld mini ITX PC case Are you in the market for a new computer case for your rig? Leitaðu ekki lengra. Made in Dongguan, a well-known brand in the electronics industry, is offering great discounts on its palm-sized mini itx case. If you are looking for a compact yet powerful solution, this article is for you. Made in Dongguan is known for its high-quality electronics, and their mini itx chassis are no exception. These cases are exp...
2u mini itx mál Slim Portable Computer Case
Product Description The 29BL-H mini itx case is a mini TIX pc case with a height of 2U, made of high-quality pattern-free galvanized steel + brushed aluminum panel. Can be wall-mounted, can stand on the desktop, 2 low-noise silent fans, support 1 3.5-inch hard drive, support FLEX power supply, small 1U power supply. It is ideal for environments with limited space such as small desks, student dormitories or small living spaces. Það er hentugur fyrir senur sem þarf að bera oft eða mo ... -
Styður flex stál og ál sameinuð þykkt 65mm Mini ITX tilfelli
Product Description Supports FLEX steel and aluminum combination thickness 65MM mini ITX chassis In today's fast-paced world, the need for compact, efficient computer systems is higher than ever. Með því að tæknin gengur fram á veldisvísishraða er mikilvægt að hafa áreiðanlega og geimbjargandi lausn fyrir allar tölvuþörf þína. Þetta er þar sem Flex Steel og Aluminum samsetningin 65mm þykkt Mini ITX mál kemur til leiks. Flex stál og ál 65mm þykkt mini itx pc cas ... -
Mini Small Size Hent fyrir leiki HTPC Office ITX PC mál
Product Description Title: Finding the perfect ITX PC case: small enough for gaming, HTPC and office use When building a compact yet powerful PC, choosing the right case is crucial. Whether you're a gaming enthusiast, a professional in need of a high-performance HTPC, or just looking for a small PC for the office, a itx pc case is the perfect solution. Með samsniðnum stærð og fjölhæfum eiginleikum veitir það þér þægindi og frammistöðu sem þú þarft fyrir margs konar tölvunarfræði A ... -